Permutation Procedures Aplenty


The menu is long and varies from familiar plastic surgery procedures to piercing of the back that allows for corsetting with ribbons (pictured to below). The website, has staggering, yet REAL images of individuals who have undergone body modification of all kinds.  On the site, I have seen what I consider to be some of the most disturbing images and yet I try to understand what is appealing to these people. With what seems like so much pain and potential medical complications, I actually ache as I browse through the photos…


Body Piercing Corset


I found a terrific article about the Social Psychology of Body Modification, which addresses precicely the issues that I question and wrestle with when looking at such images on www.plasticsergeant.comand when I come across individuals who have modified their bodies so much that I believe they will face social challenges.  This article,, is very relavent to the subject.

As the author of the article mentions, people with several piercings and tattoos may not feel or recognize that their body modifications are obtrusive or offensive to those in the workplace, but many people do find it distracting and inappropriate. Personally, I think that if it’s something that can be concealed or if the “art” is not vile (although, who is to say what’s what?), it’s OK. I understand that it can be discriminating to refuse someone for a job based on their appearance, but appropriateness per the environment is important and I don’t condone devaluing the individual for his/her taste or form or expression by any means.

Stereotypes exist in life in terms of everything and it’s not fun, but most all of us hold stereotypes or schemas as that’s what humans do! They need not be negative, but they exist. It’s important to recognize what is ultimately going on when a person decides that they need to: alter themselves so much that they either feel they can now be socially accepted by being an outcast, which seems totally oxymoronic or see themselves more positively by changing their appearance and thus, accepting their role in society.

It’s all very complex, yet fascinating. What’s your take and if you could and/or would, which body modification(s) would you go for?

Posted by: Jackie

One response to “Permutation Procedures Aplenty

  1. Wow! That picture gave me the chills! I could NEVER imagine doing that to myself, nor will I ever understand how/why someone would. I guess that just goes to show how different people are. That’s what makes the world go round!

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