Tag Archives: trends

Body Piercing — What’s considered decent anymore?

  In some cultures, newborn girls get their ears pierced shortly after entering the world and in other cultures, body piercings of any kind are forbidden. A puncture in the skin (piercing) has been around for over 4,000 years, dating back to the Biblical period. The nose piercing was first recorded during that time in the Middle East and a golden earring was given to Rebecca as a gift. Several cultures follow traditions upon marriage, which denote wealth and in India for example, the nose stud is supposed to lessen childbirth suffering for the woman.

  The most popular body parts for piercings seem to be the ears, belly button, and nose, however you can find people with just about any part of their body punctured these days. What is the fascination with piercings though? Do individuals actually like to punish themselves, suffering the pain and possible infection associated with piercings? I don’t know exactly what the motivation is, but I suppose people have various reasons for obtaining body piercings. Personally, I consider myself to be a conservative person, yet I have several ear piercings and 2 tattoos. My desire for these modifications simply progressed slowly throughout my life from age five when I got my ears pierced for the first time.

  I believe like with any other form of body modification or anything in life for that matter, there are extremes to which people take things and I have found the following blog to be interesting:


  I think we all can agree that the image found on the front page of the blog is chilling; Sure some people will find innumerable piercings (not to mention atop a fully tattooed face) appealing while others will find it absolutely horrific! Where does conscience come into play here? That’s what I can’t figure out. Do people who totally transfigure their bodies have any concern about the response of those at their workplace or perhaps there isn’t such an issue? I view it as the desire to be different, to stand alone, and truly wear the message: “I don’t care if you don’t like it! Screw You!” Maybe I am just cynical…

Posted by: Jackie